PC: @mrvphotography

PC: @mrvphotography

Long Nguyen is a Commercial Action Sports Photographer based in the San Francisco, Bay Area.


PC: @jonlopez13

PC: @jonlopez13

PC: @mrvphotography


Long Nguyen is a commercial adventure/sports photographer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He goes wherever his camera takes him – for the thrill of an adventure and the action of the sport.

Long has spent a big part of his career working in the cycling industry. As he grew as a photographer, he expanded into fitness, tech, product, and the motorsport industry.

Long knows how to work under extreme environments while capturing shots that tell a captivating story. He has worked with top brands like Specialized,

Trek, Red Bull, Can-Am, Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, and many others."



"Nguyễn is the most common Vietnamese family name. Outside of Vietnam, the surname is commonly rendered without diacritics as NguyenVietnamese pronunciation is northern [ŋʷǐˀən] and southern [ŋʷĩəŋ] ; in English it is commonly "win"." - from Wikipedia